10 Ad Words For Better Copywriting
Let's face it, words used in your ads have a direct impact on the results of your advertisement. This being said, listed below are 10 stimulating words that when used in your ads will yield better results and thus, better copywriting.
1. Guaranteed
Using this word will assure future clients that what they are about to encounter will not put them at risk of loss. No one wants to lose anything let alone money, so this word goes a long way in giving your clients the perception that there is zero risk.
2. Easy
Clients do not like "hard." Hard Work, Hard to do, just hard...these will turn clients off. Using the word Easy conveighs the message that they can do it with little effort, a sure fire win for your ads.
3. New
Now this is a great one! Everyone loves new! We know that anything new has value, a new business, new car, new system, etc. New gets most clients attention as they can almost smell it.
4. You
Your future clients want to feel like you are talking to them, talking directly to them. This makes them feel important or special. Using the word you will absolutely result in better copywriting.
5. Fast
Everyone wants something yesterday, using fast in your advertising portrays the fact that speed is king. Clients value time much more than anything else so to get ahead faster only makes sense. Want to see? Check this out.............. Money Loves Speed !
6. Testimonial
Your clients will want to know that others are having success with your product or service. Testimonials are a great way to show that what you say works. Using other clients as proof will yield what they are looking for, specific and reputable information that your product or service works for others so it will probably work for them.
7. Limited
The more limited the better. When future clients feel that your promotion is exclusive or rare, the perception is that it is more valuable and thus encourages them to take the next step.
People want deals. The trick to internet marketing is giving away things of value for free. We love free, want more free! That is why I will give you 50,000 visitors to a website of your choice by Clicking Here. For FREE, Lol!
9. Important
When something says "important," we take notice. We do not want to miss anything that we think is going to benefit us in any way. For instance, better copywriting , you are compelled to learn more. Click that link and download a free book entitled "Internet for Newbies."
10. Discount
Your future clients want to save money. If they are comparing products or services, generally the ones with the best discount wins. Buy on get one, volume discounts and one time offers will produce greater results than full price offers, i think thats a no brainer.
I hope you have discovered that using various words in your advertisments can yield greater results and thus earn you more money. Using BETTER COPYWRITING in your ads will bring far greater results in the short and long run.