CB's Choose Your Future

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Tamsin, Tides of Time
Published 06-18-2020

Hi everyone, hope you are all well! I haven't been on very much lately. Well with the virus and everything, just have not had it in me to write anything! Well, today that changed! I got very inspired/excited to write a post today, by a young British lady named Tamsin Ball! She is a lovely lady with an Incredible voice!  I include a video to title song of her album, 'Tides of Time'! You are going to be blown away!(Turn up your speakers for first part, as it really rocks out near the end; then watch that your volume is not too loud!) And I'll write a little bit more after you watch the video! Here we go:

Tamsin Ball , Tides Of Time

Yes, She is Incredible! 

To find out more about her, and her other songs/recordings/albums, Click the link below, to go to

her official website:


From there you can find her on Facebook ,and the other social media sites!

Hope you enjoy her, as much as I do!

Thanks for your support of my blog, and have a wonderful day!

From ChrisB


 P.S. Find me on twitter; I am @LoveCelticWoman :-)
