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With the release of toxins and old patterning, the moves began to accomplish holistic balance almost immediately.

The beginning seminar in Bowen Therapy teaches the widely popular Australian Techniques. Over the Three-Day period, the Basic Bowen moves are presented in a hands-on atmosphere where students participation is encouraged. Emphasis is placed on reading the body, and learning how Bowen's philosophy is individualized to each client. Students receive a manual written by Bowen Therapy Training, Inc., and a 22 - hour merit diploma is awarded plus a DVD at the end of the class.Talk to D (330) 990-2829

This is an urgent request. forward
Bowen Therapy training is starting a new program.
A Doctorate program is being started in 2019.
To kick off this program we are offering a $300.00 discount for the upcoming Oct. 18,19,and 20th class if signup before Sept. 17th. Normal price is $995.
Please contact all your massage, friends, chiropractic, and nurse friends. You will be doing them a great favor.
Dr. Hummel at 330-990-2829

Massage Training five star rating